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Effects of host-directed therapies on the pathology of tuberculosis

Journal of Pathology Mar 06, 2020

Tsenova L, et al. - Researchers tried to find out the utility and safety of current antibiotic therapy and contribute to the evolution of multi-drug resistant strains. These difficulties pointed to the advancement of the new approach in TB treatment that includes therapeutic targeting of host immune response in order to control disease pathogenesis and pathogen growth viz. host-directed therapies (HDT). Such host-directed therapies strategies are capable of improving the impact of antibiotics, shortening treatment duration for any clinical form of TB, encouraging the development of immunological memory that could protect against relapse and ameliorating the immunopathology including matrix destruction and fibrosis associated with TB. This study presents TB-HDT candidates confirmed to be of clinical relevance and therefore could be developed to reduce pathology, tissue damage and subsequent impairment of pulmonary function.
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