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Disease activity and its predictors in early inflammatory arthritis: Findings from a national cohort

Rheumatology Feb 09, 2021

Yates M. Ledingham JM, Hatcher PA, et al. - This study was carried out to define patient factors that predict disease activity during the first year of treatment for early inflammatory arthritis. Researchers applied an observational cohort study, extracting data from a national clinical audit. For the analysis, all NHS organizations providing secondary rheumatology care in England and Wales were eligible to take part, with recruitment from 215/218 (99%) clinical commissioning groups/Health Boards. The analysis enrolled a sum of 7,455 participants. Patient factors (gender, SEP, ethnicity) prognosticate disease activity. The data demonstrate that the rheumatology community should galvanize to improve access to services for all members of society. More data are needed to define area-level variation in disease activity.

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