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Discordance rate among bilateral simultaneous and sequential temporal artery biopsies in giant cell arteritis: Role of frozen sectioning based on the Mayo Clinic experience

JAMA Ophthalmology Feb 22, 2021

Cohen DA, Chen JJ, Neth BJ, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study involving 795 patients [329 (41.4%) were male and the mean (SD) age 72 (10) years], researchers sought to assess the sensitivity and specificity of temporal artery biopsy (TAB) frozen vs permanent section pathology results for giant cell arteritis (GCA) and determine the discordance rate of bilateral TABs. Data were analyzed from January 2019 to December 2020 for patients 40 years or older who underwent TAB and treated at a single tertiary care center with the ability to perform both frozen and permanent histologic sections. In multivariate models, there was a higher chance of positive findings with age, vision loss, diplopia, headache, weight loss, and anorexia. Such findings support the hypothesis that negative results from frozen sections can not be relied on solely to refute the diagnosis of GCA, while positive results from frozen sections can be used effectively to delay a contralateral biopsy awaiting the results of the permanent section.

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