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Diagnostic and therapeutic implications of vitamin D deficiency in patients with warts: A case controlled study

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Apr 21, 2021

Shalaby ME, Hasan MS, Elshorbagy MS, et al. - Researchers conducted this case-control study to compare serum vitamin D levels in patients with viral warts to healthy controls and to see if oral vitamin D supplementation of those vitamin D-deficient patients would result in wart clearance. The sample consisted of 80 individuals (40 viral warts patients and 40 healthy controls) attending the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic, during the period from July 2019 to August 2020. Vitamin D serum levels appear to be lower in viral wart patients, and oral supplementation studies should be conducted more thoroughly before determining its role, if any, in wart clearance.

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