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Comparison of 5-year outcomes between trabeculectomy combined with phacoemulsification and trabeculectomy followed by phacoemulsification: A retrospective cohort study

BMC Ophthalmology Apr 29, 2021

Arimura S, Iwasaki K, Orii Y, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for comparing the outcomes of trabeculectomy combined with phacoemulsification and those of trabeculectomy followed by phacoemulsification. In total, 141 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma, exfoliation glaucoma, and glaucoma secondary to uveitis glaucoma who underwent trabeculectomy followed by (n = 48) or combined with (n = 93) phacoemulsification were involved. According to this retrospective cohort study, the cumulative success rate following trabeculectomy combined with or following phacoemulsification remained unchanged. The combination of phacoemulsification and trabeculectomy reduced the cumulative probability of success after trabeculectomy. The early postoperative visual acuity improvements seen after combining phacoemulsification and trabeculectomy vanished after 5 years.

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