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Clinical outcomes after femtosecond laser-assisted arcuate corneal incisions vs manual incisions

Clinical Ophthalmology Jun 25, 2021

Blehm C, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for comparing the relative efficacy of Verion-LenSx guided femtosecond arcuate incisions and manual incisions in reducing postoperative refractive astigmatism. This was a contralateral eye, prospective study that involved patients with 0.50 D to 1.75 D of corneal astigmatism who wanted less refractive astigmatism post-cataract surgery. The study successfully enrolled 41 individuals, with data from 38 of them available after 3 months. Laser arcuate incisions seem to be an effective method for reducing postoperative refractive astigmatism during cataract surgery. There were no clinically significant differences between incisions made manually and those made with an image-guided femto-second laser system. The femtosecond laser system has a clear advantage in terms of the number of minor adverse events experienced.

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