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Clinical features and prognosis of surgically proven constrictive pericarditis following orthotopic heart transplantation

Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Jan 15, 2021

Lloyd JW, Oh JK, Daly RC, et al. - To generate data on constrictive pericarditis (CP) post-orthotopic heart transplantation (OHT), researchers retrospectively analyzed eight cases of surgically confirmed CP post-OHT receiving pericardiectomy. All participants were men, with a median time to symptomatic CP post-OHT being 1.7 years (0.8-18.1 years). In three cases (38%), echocardiographic evaluation was diagnostic for CP. Six cases were examined via cross-sectional imaging, which showed the presence of ≥ mild pericardial thickening in all. Cardiac catheterization performed in six patients (75%) detected the presence of CP in five (83%). Thirty-day mortality after pericardiectomy was reported to be 13% (one patient). Median survival post-pericardiectomy was estimated to be 2.3 years (18 days to 14.6 years), and 5-year survival was 29%. Overall, CP after OHT was identified as a subset of CP patients that carries high morbidity as well as mortality and essentially requires multimodality assessment for its diagnosis. Although surgical mortality was relatively low, a poor long-term survival was observed.

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