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Clarifying the relationship between total motile sperm counts and intrauterine insemination pregnancy rates

Fertility and Sterility Feb 20, 2021

Muthigi A, Jahandideh S, Bishop LA, et al. - Via performing a retrospective review at a large fertility clinic, researchers here examined how postwash total motile sperm count (TMSC) associate with intrauterine insemination (IUI) outcomes. In this study, they included a total of 92,471 insemination cycles from 37,553 patients. Per outcomes, IUI pregnancy is optimized with TMSC of ≥ 9 × 10 6 , below which a gradual decline in the rates occurred. With TMSC of < 0.25 × 10 6 , pregnancies were achieved but rarely. As there was gradual and continuous decline in pregnancy, no specific threshold could be identified above which IUI should be recommended. Rather, these more specific quantitative predictions can be employed to give personalized counseling and guide clinical decision making.

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