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Children with congenital and childhood cataract require frequent follow-up visits and examinations in general anesthesia: Considerations for the strain on families

Acta Ophthalmologica Mar 15, 2019

Al-Bakri M, et al. - In this investigation, researchers assessed how often during the first seven years of life, children with cataract were seen as outpatients or under general anesthesia. They observed a median of 9 outpatient visits among children with bilateral surgery, 11 visits among kids with unilateral cataract whereas children without surgery had 5 outpatient visits during the first year of life. They reported that 50% of candidates were operated bilaterally before 1 year of age had undergone at least 5 procedures/examinations in general anesthesia vs 1/4 of those with unilateral surgery and none of those without surgery at 7 years of age. They recommended a closer follow-up of surgical patients as they were more complex.
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