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Characteristics of retinal layer thickness in acute anterior uveitis: An optical coherence tomography study

Acta Ophthalmologica Feb 02, 2020

Lee MW, et al. - In this retrospective study, researchers discovered the changes in peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL), macular and ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer thicknesses in patients (n = 37) with acute anterior uveitis (AAU) and controls (n = 40). During the initial active phase and inactive phase of AAU, optical coherence tomography scans were performed. For at least 3 months after the resolution of inflammatory activity, patients were followed. During the active phase of AAU, pRNFL and central macula thickened and fellow eyes decreased to a similar degree during the inactive phase. In addition, the thickness of pRNFL has shown a sensitive response to the degree of inflammation in AAU. This indicates that the thickness of pRNFL could be useful in evaluating disease activity.
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