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Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk markers in Parkinson disease: Results from a case−control study

European Journal of Neurology Jun 26, 2021

Alves M, Lobo PP, Kauppila LA, et al. - This case−control study was conducted to evaluate surrogate markers of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk in Parkinson disease (PD). A comparison was made between PD patients selected from a Movement Disorders Unit vs controls randomly invited from a primary healthcare center. Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) was the primary outcome. A more favorable lipid profile and more frequent carotid plaques were detected in PD patients. PD patients were found to have a significantly higher nocturnal systolic blood pressure and more than half of the PD patients were identified to be non-dippers or reverse dippers. Findings revealed that CIMT did not differ between PD and controls. The observed higher frequency of carotid plaques as well as presence of abnormal dipper profile both support the hypothesis that patients suffering from PD are not protected from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

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