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Auras and the risk of seizures with impaired consciousness following epilepsy surgery: Implications for driving

Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry Dec 17, 2017

Fairclough S, et al. - This study was performed to determine the chance of a seizure in the next year (COSY) for seizures with impaired awareness in those experiencing auras only, those with no seizures and those with continuing seizures. Compared to those who were seizure-free, individuals with auras only after epilepsy surgery had a higher COSY. It could be suggested that those with auras only in a given year be allowed to drive if a COSY of below 20% was regarded as an acceptable risk. The relative risk of these patients causing accidents were lower than population groups such as those aged <25 or >75 years, who were permitted to drive.
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