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Antiplatelet therapy vs anticoagulation therapy in cervical artery dissection: The Cervical Artery Dissection in Stroke study (CADISS) randomized clinical trial final results

JAMA Jun 14, 2019

Markus HS, et al. - Via a randomized, prospective, open-label international multicenter parallel clinical trial of 250 patients, researchers assessed the effectiveness of antiplatelets vs anticoagulants for preventing of stroke in cervical dissection and the risk of recurrent stroke. Also, to assess the effect on arterial imaging outcomes. No difference in the presence of residual narrowing or occlusion was seen between those who received antiplatelets vs anticoagulants. There was a low incidence of recurrent strokes during 12 months of follow-up. In terms of outcome events or the rate of recanalization, no difference between treatment groups was seen.

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