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Age, symptoms, and functional outcome after mild traumatic brain injury

Acta Neurologica Scandinavica Feb 04, 2020

Karr JE, et al. - In this investigation involving adult patients (n = 325, aged 18-100) assessed for head injury upon presentation to the Tampere University Hospital Emergency Department (ED) between November 2015 and November 2016, researchers analyzed age-related variations in symptom reporting and if symptoms were differentially associated with functional outcome based on age. Candidates < 65 years old with complete data supported headaches, sensitivity to noise/light, irritability, and frustration/impatience at a higher frequency than participants ≥ 65 years old. Nevertheless, there were no variations in the number of symptoms supported or the overall severity score for the symptoms. Older adults appeared to show fewer symptoms, but symptoms had a relationship roughly equivalent to declines in function across age groups. In this sample, a large percentage of older adults had preinjury dementia or neurological disease that led to missing data on the outcome measures for one week. Compared with younger patients, the findings provide insight into the effects of mild spectrum TBI on older adults.
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