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Serum vitamin D level may be a novel potential risk factor for premature ejaculation: A comparative study

International Urology and Nephrology Aug 31, 2018

Abd El aal AM, et al. - Experts sought to compare the serum level of vitamin D [25(OH)D] in patients with lifelong premature ejaculation (LPE) vs healthy controls. Findings suggested a significant association of vitamin D with LPE and this correlates significantly with intra-vaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) and premature ejaculation diagnostic tool (PEDT). As per data, 50.65 ng/ml with a sensitivity and specificity of 85% for both was the best cut-off value of 25(OH)D to detect patients suffering from LPE; as seen on the ROC analysis. In the logistic regression analysis, 25(OH)D remained a significant risk factor for LPE.
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