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Low muscle strength and mass is associated with the accelerated decline of bone microarchitecture at the distal radius in older men: The Prospective STRAMBO Study

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Jun 13, 2018

Wagner P, et al. - During an 8-year prospective follow-up, the researchers examined the association of muscle mass and strength with changes in bone microarchitecture of the distal radius in 821 older men. For this analysis, bone microarchitecture was evaluated by high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (XtremeCT-1, Scanco) at baseline, then after 4 and 8 years. It was noted that aging-related deterioration of bone microarchitecture was most rapid after the age of 80 in men. In older men, dynapenia and sarcopenia contributed to the deterioration of bone microarchitecture.

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