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Pediatric hospitalizations for upper urinary tract calculi: Epidemiological and treatment trends in the United States, 2001-2014

Journal of Pediatric Urology Sep 16, 2017

Modi PK, et al. - This study was carried out to assess nationwide trends in the rates of pediatric hospitalization and inpatient surgical activity for upper urinary tract calculi (UUTC) in the United States from 2001 to 2014. It was noted that pediatric hospitalizations for UUTC in US children significantly decreased between 2001 and 2014, while of those hospitalized the proportion who underwent stone-related surgical intervention significantly increased over the same period. In addition, a shift towards outpatient care, reserving hospitalization and inpatient surgical care for sicker patients, those with urolithiasis-related complications, or those who fail conservative management, is a possible explanation for these observed trends.
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