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Prevalence of microhematuria in renal colic and urolithiasis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

BMC Urology Aug 12, 2020

Minotti B, Treglia G, Pascale M, et al. - A systematic review and meta-analysis were sought to evaluate the prevalence of microhematuria in patients presenting with suspected acute renal colic and/or confirmed urolithiasis at the emergency department. Researchers carried out a comprehensive literature search to find relevant data on the prevalence of microhematuria in patients with suspected acute renal colic and/or confirmed urolithiasis. They retrieved data from each study regarding study design, patient characteristics, and prevalence of microhematuria. They applied a random effect-model for the pooled analyses. This study enrolled 49 articles including a total of 15,860 patients through the literature search. In this meta-analysis, researchers revealed a high prevalence of microhematuria in patients with acute renal colic (77%), including those with confirmed urolithiasis (84%). The data demonstrate that aiming this prevalence as sensitivity, they reached moderate values, which make microhematuria alone a poor diagnostic test for acute renal colic or urolithiasis. It was considered that microhematuria could possibly still important to evaluate the risk in patients with renal colic.

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