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The effect of smoking on the association between long-term alcohol consumption and dyslipidemia in a middle-aged and older population

Alcohol and Alcoholism Jul 01, 2020

Lee K, et al. - Researchers sought to determine the effect of smoking on the correlation between long-term alcohol consumption and risk of incident dyslipidemia via assessing 4,467 individuals (1,866 men and 2601women) aged 40–69 years without dyslipidemia at baseline. Using a questionnaire, they assessed alcohol consumption biennially and classified them as light, moderate or heavy drinker. They determined smoking status at baseline and categorized the participants into non-smokers and current smokers. Dyslipidemia developed in 2,872 (64.3%) participants during a follow-up period of 12 years. In non-smoking men, there was correlation of light or moderate alcohol consumption with a lower risk of incident dyslipidemia such as hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia, whereas this correlation was not noted in current smoking men. Unlike non-smokers, current smoking men exhibited correlation of the duration of alcohol drinking > 10 years with a higher risk of hypertriglyceridemia. Further, there was an inverse correlation of alcohol consumption with low HDL-C regardless of smoking status. In women, an inverse correlation was observed of alcohol consumption with dyslipidemia hypercholesterolemia and low HDL-C regardless of alcohol amount. Per findings, smoking crucially confounds the correlation between long-term alcohol consumption and dyslipidemia, especially in hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia.

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