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Early histologic findings of pulmonary SARS-CoV-2 infection detected in a surgical specimen

Virchows Archiv May 14, 2020

Pernazza A, Mancini M, Rullo E, et al. - A surgical sample resected for carcinoma from a patient who developed SARS-Cov1 infection soon after surgery was assessed for the pathologic features of early lung involvement by Covid-19. Following were the main histologic findings: pneumocyte damage, alveolar hemorrhages with clustering of macrophages, prominent and diffuse neutrophilic margination within septal vessels, and interstitial inflammatory infiltrates, mainly represented by CD8+ T lymphocytes. These characteristics are alike to those previously inscribed for SARS-Cov1 infection. In routine pathology practice, accidental encounter to subtle histologic changes suggestive pulmonary involvement by Covid-19 may occur, particularly when extensive sampling is done for histology. Researchers recommend carefully interpreting these findings in light of the clinical context of the patient; these findings could prompt a pharyngeal swab PCR test to rule out the possibility of SARS-Cov1 infection in asymptomatic patients.

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