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Lower cognitive baseline scores predict cognitive training success after 6 months in healthy older adults: Results of an online RCT

International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry May 07, 2020

Roheger M, Kalbe E, Corbett A, et al. - Researchers assessed factors that can predict successful general cognitive training (GCT) as well as any temporal factors of predictors (eg, do prognostic factors predict success after a short training period, like 6 weeks, as well as after a longer period, like 6 months?). From two arms (GCT vs control) of a three‐arm randomized controlled trial, they extracted and reassessed data (N = 4,184 healthy older individuals) to explore predictive factors of GCT success regarding five cognitive tasks (grammatical reasoning, spatial working memory, digit vigilance, paired association learning, and verbal learning) after 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months of training. In the GCT group, improvement in grammatical reasoning at 6 weeks was observed in correlation with being female; improvement in spatial working memory and verbal learning at 6 months was observed in correlation with lower cognitive baseline scores. Data here suggest that, over time, predictors changed; only at 6 months training was lower baseline performance at study entry identified as a significant predictor. The compensation hypothesis has been offered as a possible explanation for these results.

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