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Pathological assessment of endoscopic resections of the gastrointestinal tract: A comprehensive clinicopathologic review

Modern Pathology Jan 14, 2020

Kumarasinghe MP, Bourke MJ, Brown I, et al. - A comprehensive clinicopathologic review was intended to evaluate pathological assessment of endoscopic resections of the gastrointestinal tract. Experts demonstrated that endoscopic resection (ER) play an important role for the treatment of Barrett's related early carcinomas and dysplasias, early-esophageal squamous cell carcinomas and dysplasias, early gastric carcinomas and dysplasia, as well as low-risk submucosal invasive carcinomas and, large laterally spreading adenomas of the colon. Histological risk factors predict risk of lymph node metastasis and residual disease at the ER site for invasive lesions. They recommended a systematic approach for handling and measuring ER specimens to examine all above key prognostic features appropriately. In addition, they provided a standard, comprehensive pathology report that grants optimal staging with potential cure of early-stage malignancies or better stratification and guidance for additional treatment.
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