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Morphometric traits predict educational attainment independently of socioeconomic background

BMC Public Health Dec 26, 2019

Valge M, et al. - Researchers investigated Estonian schoolchildren born between 1937 and 1962, to examine the link between anthropometric traits and educational attainment. They inquired if height, cranial volume and face width, measured in childhood could foretell later educational attainment independently of each other, family socioeconomic position and gender. Findings revealed that educational attainment was robustly predicted by morphometric traits, even after adjusting for other morphometric traits and biosocial variables. This revelation is relevant for understanding the contemporary patterns of evolution of human body size. In addition, the concurrent selection for smaller stature and cranial volume in women and opposite trends in men could be attributable, in part, to fecundity selection acting on educational attainment.
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