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Clinical and morphological effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in patients with interstitial cystitis associated with fibromyalgia

BMC Urology Nov 19, 2019

Bosco G, Ostardo E, Rizzato A, et al. - An observational clinical trial design with repeated measures done prior to and 6 months after a therapeutic protocol with hyperbaric oxygen for the treatment of individuals with from both interstitial Cystitis (IC) and fibromyalgia (FM) (n = 12) was structured in order to assess the impacts of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) on quality of life, symptoms, urodynamic parameters, and cystoscopic examination of people who had both IC and FM. Except for hydrodistension along with a trivial improvement in the cystoscopic pattern, no betterment of symptoms, quality of life, and urodynamic parameters were revealed in the study. Nonetheless, to date, the importance of overall results to support the use of HBOT alone in individuals with IC and FM could not be shown.
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