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Association of quetiapine overuse letters with prescribing by physician peers of targeted recipients

JAMA Oct 11, 2019

Sacarny A, et al. - Researchers investigated whether quetiapine overuse letters resulted in alterations in prescribing by peers of the original physicians, which would intimate that overuse interventions could have broader impacts. Physicians get to know about new medical proof from their peers. Interventions that could derive overuse in some physicians could, consequently, spur systemwide transition through peer networks as physicians address brand-new practice techniques and to get learn from each other. One origin of overuse was antipsychotic prescribing ie, these drugs were extensively prescribed to individuals with dementia even when guidelines do not encourage this practice. A randomized clinical trial regarding antipsychotic overuse letters that were given by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to leading prescribers of quetiapine, decreased prescribing by targeted physicians by 16% over 2 years.
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