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Associations between erectile dysfunction and psychological disorders (depression and anxiety): A cross-sectional study in a Chinese population

Andrologia Aug 28, 2019

Yang Y, et al. - Male patients with (n = 958) or without (n = 190) erectile dysfunction (ED) treated in andrology clinic and urology clinic, between February 2017 and January 2019, were recruited by the experts in order to assess the prevalence and associations of depression and anxiety among Chinese ED men. Nearly 79.82% and 79.56% ED patients seemed to have anxiety and depression and 13.68% of men without ED had anxiety and depression. Moreover, greater incidences and severities of anxiety and depression were noted in young ED patients (age ≤ 35 years) and long ED duration patients (duration > 12 months). Following adjusting the age, Erectile Function Questionnaire was negatively related to Patient Health Questionnaire and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale scores. In Chinese ED patients, the prevalence of anxiety and depression were 79.82% and 79.56%. As the ED severity progressed, the prevalence and severities of anxiety and depression intensified. Therefore, clinicians are supposed to pay more regard to early diagnosis and therapy of psychiatric symptoms for ED patients, particularly among young patients and patients with long ED term, on the basis of the high incidences of anxiety and depression among Chinese ED patients.
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