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Effect of artificial urinary sphincter implantation on erectile function and sexual satisfaction

Andrologia Apr 22, 2019

Urkmez A, et al. - To assess the influence of artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) implantation on erectile function and sexual satisfaction (SS), authors quantified 14 candidates with age from 58–73 years. They found 8 individuals totally dry, 4 achieved social continence (less than one pad/day) whereas 2 still had SUI (two or more pads/day) after AUS implantation. No statistically significant difference was reported between pre- and post-operative international index of erectile function (IIEF)-5 and intercourse satisfaction scores. However, no significant impact of AUS implantation was noticed in SIU patients. Improvement in SS was observed with AUS implantation. But, coital incontinence or unpleasant odor while coitus could lead to sexual avoidance and reduced SS.
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