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Ageing and Alzheimer's disease—investigating drug effects

Karolinska Institutet Jan 22, 2025

In a new thesis from the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, PhD student Bowen Tang evaluates the effects of various drugs on aging and onset of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), aiming to provide insights into drug candidates with repurposing potential as anti-aging agents or AD-modifying treatments.

What are the most important results in your thesis?

"In my four studies, we examined the effects of various drugs on biological age (BA) biomarkers and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease/dementia. Studies I and II identified several drug classes—such as calcium channel blockers, vitamin D analogues, and thiazides—that were associated with reductions in BA biomarkers. However, these findings warrant further validation. Study III investigated the genetic effects of antidiabetic drugs on AD risk, revealing that sulfonylureas and GLP-1 analogues significantly reduced the risk of AD, by approximately 60% and 70%, respectively. Study IV utilised Swedish register data to show that, among older individuals with type 2 diabetes, GLP-1 analogues were associated with a reduced risk of dementia by 30% and 23% compared to sulfonylureas and DPP-4 inhibitors, respectively."

Why did you become interested in this topic?

"I was drawn to this topic because it integrates several cutting-edge and interdisciplinary fields, including ageing research, age-related diseases, pharmacoepidemiology, and the application of causal inference methods. While challenging, this combination offered a compelling and highly rewarding training ground for my PhD journey."

What do you think should be done in future research?

"My studies suggest that some common drugs may provide protective effects against ageing and AD/dementia. However, further research, particularly randomised controlled trials, is essential to confirm these findings and fully explore their therapeutic potential." 

Doctoral thesis

Investigating drug effects on aging and Alzheimer's Disease using causal inference approaches.”Bowen Tang. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet (2025), ISBN: 978-91-8017-434-3

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