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Second cycle of intralesional Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum for Peyronie disease using the modified shortened protocol: Results from a retrospective analysis

Andrologia Feb 07, 2020

Capece M, Arcaniolo D, Manfredi C, et al. - A retrospective analysis was performed on individuals who had already undergone the first cycle of injections utilizing the modified shortened protocol and requested more injections to improve the remaining curvature. In all individuals, the International Index of Erectile Function, the Peyronie's Disease Questionnaire and the Global Assessment of Peyronie's Disease questionnaire were self-administered. Researchers noted all the parameters at baseline, after the first cycle and after the second cycle of injections. The outcomes of the research validate the effectiveness and safety of the modified shortened protocol of Collagenase C. histolyticum injections for Peyronie's disease. Nevertheless, the second cycle of three injections may be less effective, and individuals may not be completely fulfilled.
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