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The long-term prognosis of nephropathy in operated reflux

Journal of Pediatric Urology Oct 04, 2019

Matsuoka H, et al. - A total of 51 infants (37 boys and 14 girls) were incorporated in the study population in order to examine the postoperative long-term prognosis and the factors prognosticating the renal function of individuals with reflux nephropathy. Severe vesico-ureteral reflux (reflux grade ≥ 8) and severe renal parenchymal damage (group ≥ 2b) had correlation with a long-term reduction in the eGFR. Especially, renal parenchymal damage was closely related to the postoperative eGFR and hence, which was notably a critical factor. In the multiple regression analysis, the age at surgery exhibited a superior association with the postoperative eGFR, therefore, age was considered as an independent prognostic factor. Hence, factors that influenced the long-term postoperative prognosis of reflux nephropathy were the age, reflux grade, and degree of renal parenchymal damage at baseline. Moreover, patients with high-grade reflux and severe renal parenchymal damage were more inclined to exhibit a decreased level of CKD at 10 years following anti-reflux surgery.
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